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Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2020

Banner_JSZM 2020

The JSZM and Corona

Even though German policymakers have adopted initial easing of restrictions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, we are still confronted with a very dynamic infection situation and the crisis has not yet been overcome. For this reason we have decided to hold this year's Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting online. 

The Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting (JSZM) 2020 which which was originally planned to take place at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Leipzig from June 4th to June 5th 2020 is now going to be an online event.

The meeting is designed to maintain and support a multidisciplinary network for young scientists within the German Research Platform for Zoonoses and to assist doctoral students and postdocs in their career development. 

Program overview: 

Due to the limitations of an online event the meeting will concentrate this year on the guest speakers sessions. During the individual talks participants can post their questions in the chat of the meeting room. The questions will be forwarded to the speaker at the end of his/her talk.

You can find the program of the meeting here.


O4. – 05.06.2020




The conference language is English.

Conditions of Participation:

All doctoral students and postdocs who are a member of the German Platform for Zoonoses Research can apply. (Not a member yet? You can apply for membership here.)

Participants must submit an abstract illustrating both the zoonosis and multidisciplinary aspect of their research work. For participation, the acceptance of the submitted abstract is mandatory. 

Abstract template

The entry deadline is the 14th of April 2020.


Education credits for veterinarians (ATF) can be granted. The meeting is creditable for the One Health Certificate.


To register please fill out the registration form and the abstract template. Send both together by April 14th 2020 to zoonosenplattform@fli.de (subject "Registration JSZM 2020").

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Dana Thal at +49 (0)383517 1198 or by email (dana.thal@fli.de).